Pond 3 Surface Impoundment - LOS

Location Restrictions
  1. Placement Above Uppermost Aquifer
  2. Wetlands
  3. Fault Areas
  4. Seismic Impact Zones
  5. Unstable Areas

Design Criteria

  1. New Unit Design Certification (N/A)
  2. New Unit Construction Certification (N/A)
  3. Documentation of Liner Type
  4. Initial/Periodic Hazard Potential Classification
  5. Emergency Action Plan (EAP)
  6. EAP Emergency Responder Annual Meeting Documentation
  7. Record of Any Activation of EAP
  8. History of Construction
  9. Initial/Periodic Structural Stability Assessment
  10. Documentation of Corrective Measures Relating to Structural Stability Assessment
  11. Initial/Periodic Safety Factor Assessment
  12. Design and Construction Plans for New or Lateral Expansions of CCR units (N/A)

Operating Criteria

  1. CCR Fugitive Dust Plan
  2. CCR Fugitive Dust Plan Annual Report
    1. 2017 Report
    2. 2018 Report
    3. 2019 Report
    4. 2020 Report
    5. 2021 Report
  3. Initial/Periodic Run-on and Run-off Control System Plans (N/A)
  4. Initial Periodic Inflow Design Flood Control System Plans
  5. QPE Annual Inspection Report for CCR Surface Impoundment
    1. 2015 report
    2. 2016 report
    3. 2017 report
    4. 2018 report
    5. 2019 report
    6. 2020 report
  6. Documentation of Corrective Measures Resulting From QPE Annual Inspection of Landfill or Surface Impoundment
  7. QPE Annual Inspection Report for CCR Landfill

Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action

  1. Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report
    1. 2019 report
    2. 2020 report
    3. 2021 report
    4. 2022 report
    5. 2023 report
    6. 2024 report
  2. Groundwater Monitoring System and Statistical Method Certification
  3. Items 4-10 Only Applicable if Assessment Monitoring is Triggered

Closure and Post-Closure Care

  1. Notification of Intent to Close Inactive CCR Surface Impoundment under 40 CFR 257.100
  2. Written Closure Plan
  3. Notification of Completion of Closure
  4. Notification of Recording a Notation on Deed
  5. Written Post-Closure Plan
  6. Notification of Completion of Post-Closure Care


Archived items

1. CCR Fugitive Dust Plan - Oct. 2015