A 345-kilovolt (kV) transmission line is needed due to load growth in western North Dakota.
This added infrastructure helps serve the growing load Basin Electric's members are seeing in the region.
The Roundup-to-Kummer Ridge 345-kV transmission project was deemed necessary for the reliability of the transmission system by Southwest Power Pool, a regional transmission organization. It enhances the transmission load serving capability in the region and mitigate reliability constraints.
Southwest Power Pool is the regional transmission organization that administers bulk electric transmission system reliability upgrades and generation interconnections. Basin Electric received a Notification to Construct Approved Reliability Network upgrades notice in May 2022 from Southwest Power Pool. Basin Electric is the designated transmission owner for the upgrade, which includes an approximate 35-mile long transmission line from the existing Roundup 345-kV substation to the existing Kummer Ridge 345-kV substation.
The line was energized in December 2024.