
Basin Electric Headquarters in Bismarck, North Dakota, is the administrative hub of our parent and subsidiary companies, including the offices of Dakota Gasification Company and Dakota Coal Company.

Basin Electric's core business is generating and transmitting wholesale bulk electric power to customers, primarily to our 139 member rural electric systems, which are located in nine states. Our largest subsidiary, Dakota Gasification Company, gasifies lignite coal and delivers some of the carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) to produce several value-added products.

At a Glance

Basin Electric is a consumer-owned, regional generation and transmission (G&T) cooperative providing wholesale power to member rural electric systems in nine states.


Basin Electric is committed to maintaining its creditworthiness and the trust of our membership and all financial stakeholders.

Safety and Health

For more than 50 years, Basin Electric and its subsidiaries have claimed one of the lowest incidents of lost-work-day injuries in the energy industry.

Marketing and Asset Management

This team evaluates and manages the cooperative's risk related to short-term commodity and asset exposures, and manages the power market operations for Basin Electric.


Basin Electric's history dates back to before incorporation in 1961. Learn more about the cooperative's rich history.