Generation for Generations: A Vision of Giant Power
"Generation for Generations" is the title of the Basin Electric Power Cooperative 50-year history book, written by North Dakota author Stan Stelter. A half century ago in Bismarck, ND, Missouri River basin farmers and ranchers set in motion a story that encompasses the themes of self-governance and ownership of electric resources. The 224-page book covers the inception of the organization in 1961 through the first half of 2011 and draws resources from publications, photographs and video assembled and produced by Basin Electric communications employees.
Basin Electric's success these past 50 years is founded in the cooperative memberships' strength in unity: unity built on a common purpose; unity built on trust and honesty; unity built on sharing risk, so no co-op has to go it alone. The book is available in limited quantities.

The New Synfuels Energy Pioneers
This 170-page book, complemented with an introduction by former President Jimmy Carter and many historical photos, details the vision, challenges and remarkable and unique successes of the Great Plains Synfuels Plant.
The Synfuels Plant was America's first commercial-scale coal gasification plant and at one time was the largest construction project in North America. Located near Beulah, ND, the plant was built in the 1980s as an alternative source of energy for the United States, which had a goal of moving away from dependence on foreign supplies of energy. Read the story of this technological wonder and what it's producing today.