Photo request

Todd Brickhouse
Todd Brickhouse, CEO and general manager


Antelope Valley Station
Antelope Valley Station near Beulah, North Dakota
Culbertson Generation Station
Culbertson Generation Station near Culbertson, Montana
Deer Creek Station
Deer Creek Station near Elkton, South Dakota
Dry Fork Station
Dry Fork Station near Gillette, Wyoming
Great Plains Synfuels Plant
Great Plains Synfuels Plant near Beulah, North Dakota
Groton Generation Station
Groton Generation Station near Groton, South Dakota
Basin Electric Headquarters
Basin Electric Power Cooperative headquarters in Bismarck, North Dakota
Laramie River Station
Laramie River Station near Wheatland, Wyoming
Leland Olds Station
Leland Olds Station near Stanton, North Dakota
Lonesome Creek Station
Lonesome Creek Station near Watford City, North Dakota
Pioneer Generation Station
Pioneer Generation Station near Williston, North Dakota
Spirit Mound Station
Spirit Mound Station near Vermillion, South Dakota
wind turbines
Basin Electric owns wind turbines in North Dakota and South Dakota
Wyoming Distributed Generation
Wyoming Distributed Generation located near Buffalo, Wright, Gillette, and Arvada

Stock Photography

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Media contact

Andrew Buntrock
Vice president of Strategic Planning and Communications
701-400-9199 or 701-557-5353

Dana Hager
Manager of Communications
701-509-3896 or 701-557-5344