Hall of Fame - Cornerstone

Basin Electric Power Cooperative has a proud history of serving its membership through innovative energy solutions that bolster and sustain local and regional economies and enhance community life in rural towns and cities. To honor those who have made significant contributions to rural electrics and communities, Basin Electric periodically bestows its Cornerstone Award and Cooperative Spirit Award on individuals who have made outstanding contributions to rural electric cooperatives.

Cornerstone Award

The Cornerstone Award is Basin Electric's highest award. It honors an individual whose leadership and outstanding service to electric cooperatives has been a "cornerstone" for Basin Electric, its member systems, and the rural Americans they serve.

The award will be given only to individuals truly deserving significant recognition and, as such, the award may not be presented every year.

Award recipients will be current or past leaders in, or supporters of, the cooperative movement.

The recipient's leadership, personal commitment, vision and business endeavors will be both distinguished and extraordinary and will have made a difference in the lives of the rural Americans, Basin Electric and its member systems served.

See: Cooperative Spirit Award Winners

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Cornerstone Award Winner

Gerald C. Wegner

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Cornerstone Award Winner

Blaine Stockton

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Cornerstone Award Winner

Robert L. McPhail

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Cornerstone Award Winner

William L. Guy

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Cornerstone Award Winner

Michael Hacskylo

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Cornerstone Award Winner

Robert Feragen

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Cornerstone Award Winner

Byron Dorgan

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Cornerstone Award Winner

Hub Thompson

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Cornerstone Award Winner

Dave Freudenthal

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Cornerstone Award Winner

Wally Beyer

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Cornerstone Award Winner

Kent Conrad

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Cornerstone Award Winner

Wayne Child

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Cornerstone Award Winner

Bob Engel

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Cornerstone Award Winner

Bob Harris

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Cornerstone Award

Sheldon Petersen