Engaging People with Purpose

Basin Electric’s team of employees is the most critical component and a competitive advantage to Basin Electric’s success, which is why it is important they thrive in their work environment.

The world has changed quickly in the last five years, and the work employees are doing today may be different from what they will be doing five years from now.

From an organizational development perspective, strategic modernization to meet employees where they are with the service and accessibility best suited was Basin Electric’s direction in 2023 and going forward. Strategic modernization is a focus within Human Resources, which included implementing new processes and efficiencies to improve the employee experience. In the coming years, Basin Electric plans to continue the modernization efforts by identifying areas of opportunity and implementing best-practice solutions to best serve the cooperative and achieve our strategic objectives.

“When a community collectively upholds a strong sense of integrity, it contributes to the overall well-being and sustainability of our members.” - Elizabeth Erhardt, Basin Electric manager of Member Rates

People Strategy

Inspiring an engaged workforce is a top priority for Basin Electric. The cooperative has a renewed focus on leadership development to include both our current and future leaders.

The Human Resources team launched the Gallup Employee Engagement Survey in 2023 to gather baseline data to determine the level of engagement throughout the entire workforce. Across all facilities, 80% of employees completed the survey, indicating they want their voices to be heard. The results of the survey were compiled and analyzed by Gallup, and action plans were developed by leaders targeting areas to optimize employee engagement within their teams. The Human Resources team plans to conduct this survey annually for three years with a goal to improve employee engagement each year.

Multiple initiatives are being created or improved upon to develop employees across all levels of the organization. A redesigned Performance Management process was launched for all non-bargaining employees to not only achieve our strategic business objectives throughout the year, but also to provide each employee feedback on their performance. Aligning the future strategy of the organization with people-focused initiatives is critical to ensure our employees have the skills and competencies that will be required to meet our future needs.

Enabling growth and improvement amongst employees is important for Basin Electric’s continued success. The Performance Management goal-setting process for employees was developed alongside the cooperative’s Strategic Planning process. Performance management is designed to support them in two ways: prioritizing work to achieve Basin Electric’s strategic objectives and aligning merit with performance. Three cooperative-wide goals were set for all employees.

Jeremy Wittenberg speaking to employees
Jeremy Wittenberg, Basin Electric enterprise systems administrator III, leads coworkers on a tour of the data center during an open house event facilitated by the Information Technology team.

Inviting Members In

Basin Electric member tours continue to be one of the most effective ways to show end-use member-consumers how their electricity is generated and transmitted to their homes, businesses, and communities.

Members see several ways Basin Electric generates electricity. They see wind turbines and transmission lines on the drive to tour dispatchable generation resources. The groups also get a chance to see the Great Plains Synfuels Plant, which turns lignite coal into synthetic natural gas and 12 other products including fertilizers and chemicals. Nearby is the Freedom Mine, owned and operated by The Coteau Properties’ Company, which supplies lignite coal to Basin Electric facilities in North Dakota.

Some member cooperatives choose to bring their groups for a look inside Basin Electric’s Headquarters building. New this year, groups see an updated trading floor and Security and Response Services dispatch center. The tours give members a chance to talk directly with employees who work around the clock to keep electricity reliable, affordable, and safe.
Member manager tours are offered each year, providing an opportunity for managers to meet with the Headquarters team and tour plant facilities.

Members of Basin Electric’s senior leadership team conduct several meetings each year for member managers and directors to keep the lines of communication open. Class A district meetings are held throughout the year to discuss and address key issues. Two member managers conferences are held each year, in winter and summer.

The Annual Meeting and Members-Only Meeting were moved from November to August for the first time in 2023. These meetings draw the largest and most diverse participation, including staff from member cooperatives, many member directors, and other stakeholders.

“We had 23 people in a room for two days, all from varying facilities, to create a mission statement and a set of values. ... Incorporating employees from multiple facilities really allowed our work to provide an accurate representation of Basin Electric from multiple perspectives.” - Mandi Hetletved, Basin Electric business systems analyst

Cooperative-wide Goals

Basin Electric has an obligation to our members, employees, and industry to do things safely, reliably, and affordably. Through Strategic Planning, the cooperative’s board and management set three goals for employees to focus on in 2023.

These goals not only provide value to our members, but also help develop a unified sense of purpose within Basin Electric.

Safety: Safety is core to who we are and how Basin Electric operates; safety ownership is every employee’s responsibility. To align with this philosophy, Basin Electric hired a new safety director who is leading and prioritizing safety efforts. The safety function was centralized to better leverage knowledge of safety professionals from across the cooperative.

Safety metrics were implemented with scorecards and continuous improvement goals. Policies and procedures continue to be updated to align with best practices. A life-critical rules program was implemented to support these procedures to prevent incidents with the highest risk of serious injuries.

We will continue to focus on the safety and health of our employees with continuous improvement in safety. 

Reliability: As the need for dispatchable generation to ensure reliability continues to grow, Basin Electric took a fresh look at raising the availability factor of its units. That means facilities are ready to run when members need electricity.

Basin Electric’s team focused on improving systems from lessons learned and analyzing the root cause of unplanned outages, increased warehouse inventories, conducted planned outages, and used software that assists with monitoring systems.

Affordability: Basin Electric strives to maintain affordable rates; in fact our members tell us it should continue to be a priority.

To keep affordability top of mind for employees, Basin Electric management set a financial goal. The rate we charge members is ultimately a function of the costs we incur to provide electric service, so controlling costs is an important factor in having an affordable rate.

The rate Basin Electric charges its members remained steady from 2023 to 2024 thanks to the Rate Stability Fund, which did what it was created to do — shelter the membership from unexpected rate increases due to unplanned events that would have otherwise resulted in increased rates.

Basin Electric will continue tracking our efforts in 2024 to ensure our team remains focused on the priorities set by the cooperative’s board and management.